Landlord & Tenant Information

We hope that this information assists landlords and tenants in having a positive experience at River Oaks. Tenants are welcome and encouraged to actively participate in community events and to serve on committees.

River Oaks maintains a community-wide email group and all are welcome to be added to this group. This email group greatly increases communication and enhances the community for everyone. To join the email group, please complete a Contact Info form.

A few provisions ensure that all live in harmony. 

  1. Landlords and tenants must abide by the Leasing Rules adopted by the Board of Directors in July, 2009 and effective August 15, 2009.
  2. In accordance with those rules, landlords must complete a Lease Addendum certifying that tenants have received a copy of all pertinent Rules and Regulations, including Parking Policies and Architectural Rules, and that tenants have appropriate Renters Insurance.
  3. With regard to changes to the exterior of units, including any landscaping changes, only unit owners may submit an Architectural Change Application.  The Architectural Rules and Regulations are found on the Architectural & Landscaping page of this website.

River Oaks Leasing Rules
RO Leasing Rules-signed.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.7 MB
River Oaks Lease Addendum - For Owners
Adobe Acrobat Document 52.8 KB

How Landlords Can Resolve Disputes with Tenants
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.1 MB

Landlords and Tenants - Tips on Avoiding Disputes
Adobe Acrobat Document 438.7 KB

Anne Arundel County Property Maintenance Code
Landlords and owners should be aware that the Anne Arundel County Property Maintenance Code establishes minimum standards for existing residential structures and premises and is enforced by the Department of Health & Housing and Food Protection Program. The Housing and Food Protection Program responds to complaints and issues notices of violations and citations based on the following conditions:

electrical problems
problems with exterior or interior housing maintenance
inadequate heating facilities
insect infestation
overcrowded housing conditions
plumbing problems
evidence of rats, mice or other rodents
failing septic systems/sewage overflows
stagnant water from abandoned swimming pools
presence of trash, garbage or refuse
vacant or abandoned dwellings open to casual entry
inadequate quality or quantity of water supplied
AACO Property Maintenance Code.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 211.3 KB