Dues Collection

Dues Collection Policy
Dues Collection Policy 02.28.08.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 78.1 KB

Monthly Dues

Victory Management Web Account Instructions
VMI Account Setup.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 169.2 KB

As of January 1, 2017, the monthly condominium association dues are $128.00 per unit.  Dues can be be paid by electronic debit (e-check) from your bank account via the Victory Management website (see below), online banking from your bank account to the condominium association's bank, or by check with a coupon mailed to the association's bank.  Dues are an annual fee broken down for your convenience into monthly assessments, but they can be paid in advance for more than one month or the entire year.


You can set up an automatic withdrawal (highly recommended!) or make one-time credit card payments via the Victory Management website. Click above file for instructions on setting your account and automatic debits.


If you pay via online banking from your bank account, you need to change the payee information as follows:


Routing number:  702100000100
Account number:  your address followed by the appropriate abbreviation for your street, i.e., TW (Tilden Way), BX (Braxton Way), MILL (Millhaven Court), MD (Millhaven Drive).  For example, 215TW, 255BX, 8MILL, 2117MD.


Questions regarding dues assessments can be directed to Mirga Dulys at mirga@victorymgt.com