Solar Panel Installations

Several units have solar panel installations on the roof(s) of their units. The panels are installed on the front roof, rear roof or both roofs. Each installation is unique based on the roof angle toward the sun and the placement of the electrical conduit running from the roof to the control panel inside the unit as well as to the exterior emergency cutoff box.

The Association has a general policy regarding solar installations which can be found in the Architectural Rules. Each installation must be fully approved by the Board before installation begins. In order for an Architectural Change Application (ACA) to be approved, the ACA must be very specific about where the panels will be placed, how the conduit will be run and where the exterior box will be located. Each application must be accompanied by drawings or pictures. Unit owners must also complete, sign and file with their ACA a Solar Panel Indemnification Agreement which will be filed with the deed. The cost for the Association attorney to file this agreement is about $60 and is borne by the unit owner. The agreement can also be found on our Forms and Applications page.


Solar Panel Indemnification Agreement
Solar Panel Indemnification Agreement-Fi
Adobe Acrobat Document 32.2 KB
Solar Power Indemnification Agreement Instructions
Solar Panel Indemnification Agreement-In
Adobe Acrobat Document 165.5 KB

Videos about Solar Installation

Here are some video links from the YouTube channel "Two Bit da Vinci TECH" that explain solar panel installation and provide good insight from a third parties. 


"Is Solar Worth It? 5 Years after installing Solar Panels, I Share what I learned on my Journey"

"Considering Solar? 8 Questions to Ask Yourself and Your Solar Installer Before Signing or Spending"

And one from FarmCraft101.  The "ugly truth" they are talking about is that if your installation is tied to the main power grid, as most residential customers are, then if there is a power outage, your system won't work. He lives on a farm so he installed a huge battery bank.  The Two Bit da Vinci TECH guys discuss this in their "Considering Solar" video and comment on the Tesla Wall Bank of batteries that currently are too expensive for the general residential customer but Tesla is the king of battery technology and is developing more affordable battery backups.

"The ugly truth behind grid-tied solar systems. Watch before you buy!"